The German magazine Trans Aktuell recently wrote an article summarizing important developments within the transport and logistics sector and analyzing fuel card providers. You can read the original article here, we also provided you with an English translation of the original article.
Toll Belgium
The first point of discussion in the article is the start of the Belgian toll. Fuel card providers all had different approaches when it came to this introduction. The vision by DKV was clear from the start ‘secure and guaranteed customer service’ in order to accomplish this vision the choice was made for the only secure option which was the Satellic OBU.
Not only the choice for the Satellic OBU played an important role in DKV’s market approach, the creation of an online platform was a key contribution to their vision. On the platform customers are able to upload the needed documents for registration of an OBU, after which DKV takes care of the entire registration process.
“DKV offers its customers a digital service facilitating their transfer to Belgian tolls through Viapass. Customers can now upload the required documentary evidence, like copies of vehicle licences, at, after which DKV takes care of registration by order of the customer, verification of the documentary evidence and orders for OBUs.”
Digital services
A world without online possibilities can hardly be imagined, also for the transport & logistics market the role of digital services are becoming increasingly important. The article managed to explain the importance of digital services in a clear way.
“General expectation is that on-line services will continue to expand and that more and more new tolls will be integrated. Euro Vignettes will continue to be used for payment of Danish and Swedish tolls (for trucks as of 12 t). DKV reports the near-future possibility for its customers of advance settlement of other tolls by way of its on-line portal named Cockpit. This year, provider DKV received from the German ‘Initiative Mittelstand’ the IT Innovation Award for this on-line product, which also offers advance settlement of tolls in Belorussia.”
Expansion towards the East
Since May 24th 2016 DKV has extended its network in Russia. Next to the excisting routes in Russia (PLATON), it is now also possible to settle toll-routes to Estonia, Latvia and Belarus in The Pskov region.
“Those who drive in Russia are at present being serviced by other parties. As of 24 May, DKV customers can use their DKV Cards for settlement of tolls on all federal roads in Russia and the toll road connections to Estonia, Latvia and Belorussia in the Pskov-region.”