We are here to help you!
In order to help you as fast and effective as possible, hereby an overview of our different departments, this will allow you to have an answer to your question as soon as possible.
Card Support Services
- Card orders
- Limits
- Box orders and cancellations
- Eurovignettes
orders@dkv-euroservice.com +31 252 463 215
- Billing
- Credit
finance@dkv-euroservice.com +31 252 463 215
- VAT and excise duty
refunds@dkv-euroservice.com +31 252 345 640
Customer Consultancy
- General questions
- Product information
- Offers and deals
- Specific information on different countries
sales@dkv-euroservice.com +31 2 52 463 212
Did you know that when logging into the DKV COCKPIT many of the above mentioned queries can be taken care of?! Like ordering or canceling cards and downloading copies of invoices…
To block your DKV Card in case of theft or loss,
Please contact cardstop@dkv-euroservice.com
In case of emergency or a fine, please call 00800 365 24 365
On our website many more information can be found,
Please visit www.dkv-euroservice.com
Follow us on Social Media:
- Twitter @DKV_Benelux
- Linkedin DKV Euro Service Benelux
- Facebook DKV Euro Service Benelux