We asked you what a good truck stop looks like, and these are your answers !
- Your biggest priority: you want space, loooots of free spaces. Preferably levelled.
- Nom nom nom. Delicious food is one of your biggest priorities.
- A beautiful smile can help you forget a shitty day. In your top 3: friendly personnel!
- You prefer a parking lot that is locked. Safety first!
- A nice bar is a nice perk.
- Dude needs his beauty sleep. So you prefer a nice quiet location.
- Clean sanitary, please!
- While we’re dreaming out loud: a truck wash!
- A beautiful view when you wake up
- A cosy place to relax. Kinda like the family room at home.
More information of truck stops in Europe go to: https://www.dkv-euroservice.com/gb/services/value-added-services/vehicle-services/other/secured-truck-parks/