Transport prices have reached record levels since 2008, affecting the transport industry. Transport prices are now demonstrating the highest levels ever since the first measurements were conducted by Transport Market Monitor in 2008. The second quarter of 2015 has seen 10.4% increase compared to the first quarter of this year.
During the seminar organised by ING, DKV and Transfrigoroute it became clear that the transport industry will mainly be growing in volume. The estimated road transport volume for 2015 is 2.5% growth as compared to the 1.6% realised in 2014. By contrast, the expected 2015 road transport turnover is set at 2.5%; a decrease when set off against the 3.7% growth attained in 2014.
Concluding: where road transport volumes are expanding we see a drop in turnovers, so costs are on the rise. This is a striking outcome, considering the low diesel prices in 2015.
Cutting integral cost prices
For companies to be able to operate efficiently it is important to watch their costs. Higher profits are sooner attained by restricting purchasing costs than by increasing sales costs. There are various cost-cutting options that will enable companies to continue operating along cost-efficient lines. Here are some easy tips on what your company can do!
Variations in diesel prices in EU-countries
Within the European Union there are huge differences when it comes down to fuel purchasing costs. If your drivers are frequently found on the European roads, it may be worthwhile to fuel in appropriate countries and at the most profitable hours, thus saving costs in a simple way. Did you know for instance, that during evenings diesel prices in Germany are lower by 7 cents on average? In this respect, DKV offers several convenient tools, like DKV MAPS, containing specifications per country and for individual fuel stations.
Simplify your paperwork
Managing business records tends to be a time-consuming job, and therefore a major cost item. But there are cost-cutting options here that will not adversely affect quality and service levels.
Companies that use a digital reporting system like DKV eReporting will be able to assemble clear-cut, individual customer reports based on vehicle, fuel card or cost item. This digital reporting system also indicates all VAT and diesel duty refunds.
Reclaiming diesel duties and VAT
In all EU-countries and Norway, foreign companies may claim refunding of the VAT paid by them on goods and services purchased in the country concerned. On the other hand, considerable time and effort may be involved in applying for refunding and handling all the paperwork required.
Arranging and collecting receipts or applying for a refund in the different countries are for instance very time-consuming. Yet, via DKV Euro Service, companies may simply arrange for their VAT-refunds without having to collect external documentary evidence. This is because the invoices provided by DKV are officially recognised as basis for refunding by the various European tax departments. This makes transparent refunding of VAT possible. DKV Euro Service can even take care of all VAT-refunds for you, saving you a lot of time and trouble! Have a look at products and services on the top of this page for more information.
With DKV you have a lot more options to save on costs, for more on our products and services go to:
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