zondag , 15 september 2024
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New features Satellic OBU

Satellic recently announced a new software update for the Belgian toll OBU’s, find a summary of the updates here. You can also read the full newsletter of Satellic here.

Journey Visualisation

Satellic offers its customers journey visualization for free. The road user has to enable this feature on the road user portal, per vehicle, to be able to use this feature in the future. Journey visualization offers a deeper insight in the journey driven by your trucks. You can view where a specific truck has been driving on any given day. The journey is shown on an interactive map. Moreover the raw position data can be viewed, downloaded and deleted. With the KML file you can import the data in your own geolocalisation tool. The position of the vehicle in Belgium is registered every 30 seconds and sent in bulk every 5 minutes by the OBU to the system. The journey information is always showed per 24 hours.

(De)couple process

Satellic has made the (de)couple process of an OBU from/to a vehicle easier. From now on, it is no longer necessary to switch on the OBU for the (de)coupling to take place. You can (de)couple your vehicle on the RUP or at a Service Point at your best convenience.

OBU display

Satellic is implementing a “Switch On OBU” reminder. Thanks to this feature you will be reminded by a flashing display and continuous beeping to switch on the OBU by pushing the ON button (V) whenever you start your journey. The feature will be visible only on OBUs not installed with the 3 wires fixed installation.

Source: Satellic newsletter, http://us11.campaign-archive1.com/?u=0248b279c75695cfa819534c9&id=58447157c2&e=8bed569ac6

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