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DKV Euro Service employs Satellic Box for settlement of new Belgian toll
On April 1, 2015 a new, satellite-controlled tolls system will be introduced in Belgium, replacing the current Euro Vignette. The new toll can be paid through DKV Euro Service, which will employ the toll box of toll operator Satellic straight from the start of the new system; a box designed for exclusive use in Belgium. “In our view the Satellic Box is the only on board unit that will function according to purpose straight from the start of the new tolls system”, says Jürgen Steinmeyer, Director of Toll at DKV Euro Service.
In September 2015, the technical specifications for incorporating other, country-independent multi-purpose boxes like the DKV BOX were made available by the toll operator. “Our past experience in certifying the DKV BOX for France, Portugal and Spain has taught us that the time frame until the start of the new tolls system on 1 April 2016 is just too short for us to be able to commit ourselves to making a country-independent toll box available. To us, guaranteed customer service and delivery take absolute priority”, Steinmeyer emphasises.
Besides, the introduction of a new tolls system also imposes a logistic task on hauliers, ranging from registration through to delivery, installation and activation of toll boxes. For this reason, DKV Euro Service recommends its customers to register at a stage as early as possible, so that they can avoid bottlenecks in delivery before the start of the new toll system. In its capacity as partner of AGES Maut System GmbH & Co. KG in Langenfeld, Germany, DKV has been working for quite some time towards creating a solution leading to uniform, pan-European tolls settlement (EETS).