dinsdag , 12 november 2024
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Alpe D’Huzes – What’s Happening?

Thanks to all the hard working of the volunteers and the participants a total amount of 10.738.427,81 euro was made during this years Alpe D’Huzes.

The Alpe D’Huzes

Today is the official start of the Aplhe D’Huzes! More than 4.000 participants are either walking or biking the mountain for the first time today!

We even had some trucks crossing the finish-line:








We are glad to have contributed towards this event, and are proud of all participants!

Here are some more pictures of this first day, movies are coming up shortly so make sure to visit our page again soon!























Team Logistiek





Only two more days before the start of the Alphe D’Huzes! As a sponsor of Alpe d’HuZes Team Logistiek we would like to keep you updated on the event.

Here are the first impressions, make sure to keep an eye out on our blog as we will be posting more movies, pictures and other material!

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